GCfCL Introduces Conscious Leadership Short Courses

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Evolution (the combined knowledge and progress of billions of years of thinking and experience) brings us the latest in the Leadership Development field…

We are at a point in time where many old styles of leading, thinking and being are no longer fitting to the demands of our lives. We have progressed in astounding respects and it is now time for our psyche and behavior to catch up with our outward progress so that we can not only sustain our lifestyles and planet on which we go about our life, but also thrive and grow. Leaders (corporations, governments, institutions as well as individuals) are in a position to gracefully create a future worth living. Starting especially with how they run their daily lives, and influence the people they have contact with on a day-to-day basis. The days of our lives, of course, make up our life. We sometimes forget this.

The Global Centre for Conscious Leadership has pulled together emergent patterns, connections and thought leadership from across the globe, and created a variety of introductory courses to fulfill your particular needs and areas of interest.

These Short Courses vary from two hours to a full day. They offer practical ways of implementing Conscious Leadership on professional and personal levels.

Current offerings include:

If you would like to know more about Conscious Leadership, book your space at our Introduction to Conscious Leadership course in London next month, 18 September 2014.




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