London Draws Conscious Capitalism To Itself

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Intuition has been nudging me for a while now, telling me that Sept, Oct, Nov are going to be months when we see a surge in the establishment of conscious capitalism, conscious business and conscious leadership in the UK.  And so it has been.

On Tuesday this week the Conscious Capitalism Institute held a lunch in London hosted by Raj Sisodia.  Raj, author of Firms of Endearment, took us through his presentation on conscious capitalism – it was inspirational hearing it from its source – and expressed his desire to establish a centre for CCI in the UK alongside other centers in Australia, South America and elsewhere.  Timothy Henry from Arête will have this as his brief, but there were plenty of willing helpers around the table, including myself and Sarah Morris from The Global Institute of Conscious Leadership, Erica Uffindell from the Uffindell Group and Pinea3, and Pete Burden and Rob Warwick from Conscious-BusinessUK, along with several others who share a passion for conscious leadership and conscious business.

Two days later and this evening saw the launch of Pinea3 in London through Erica, accompanied by Pinea3 founder Enric Bernal.  Pinea3 works with organisations as living energy systems and creates balance and growth where these are currently lacking to create more conscious companies and conscious leaders.

On Monday next week Conscious-BusinessUK holds its second London meeting, having already been established in Brighton for over a year.

To top it all, John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods Market, will be in London in November and will be spending far more time here in the future.  We aim to host an event to coincide with his trip, bringing together companies under the umbrella of conscious capitalism, conscious business and conscious leadership for the first time in the UK.

All in all, it seems at the moment like the forces are congregating to cause a propulsion of conscious capitalism in the UK, centered in London.  There is a tremendous sense of collaboration, information sharing and co-creation going on here right now amongst the people who are passionate about doing business in this way and promoting and growing it as mainstream in the marketplace.  We have all come together through what seems like synchronicity, helped by the Internet.  To me, it feels rather like the explosion of the coffee culture in Seattle, the concentration of IT culture in Silicon Valley or the emergence of consciousness in and around Boulder, Colorado.  London is a center for the drawing together of these strands of energy and activity around conscious business.  The timing is right, and the time is ripe for change, coinciding beautifully as it does with the difficulties in European and UK businesses and government and the need for an alternative to emerge.


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