#wtf do millennials really want?

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Millennials, the upcoming generation of leaders (currently aged between approximately 20-35 years) who senior managers are somewhat anxious about. Frustrations include: “how to engage, motivate and retain them?”, “how can these youngsters expect to come to work and sit on Facebook?”, “they have an air of entitlement and feel the rules shouldn’t apply to them” I would like frame this age group not as a new species of strange beasts, but rather as the by-product of where we are at today. As time and evolution would have it, today’s 30 year olds are not going about the art of life in the same way that 30 year olds were 30 years ago. The common ground […]

Enjoy your job

The Formula to Enjoy your Job : S = T + S + K

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There is a fairly simple explanation as to why over 80% of workers around the world feel disengaged in their jobs. Most of them are not using their strengths at work. If your current role doesn’t play to your strengths, it is very likely that at some point you will become disengaged. Disengagement not only leads to boredom, but also could have harmful effects on your health and life expectancy. Disengagement quite often manifests its presence in our mind-body system as depression, stress, anxiety, migraines, blurred vision, digestive problems, physical pain and dozens of other conditions, so disengagement is something that you have to take seriously. The key to success, and to really enjoy your […]

Calling for a Radical Recalibration of Education (part1)

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A Nudge to Boost Creativity/ Consciousness/ Mindfulness/ Awareness in Education I am committed to teaching, living and learning the paradigm shift where love trumps fear, abundance trumps scarcity, and creativity trumps conformity. Do you ever wonder why humans need to wait until they have a mid-life crisis or some form of brutal impact with life, which is beyond their control, in order for them to wake up, re-adjust and continue living in a better way, or in some cases -to begin Living at all? It is a fascinating pattern to see, time and time again, how truly successful leaders (by successful I loosely mean having achieved abundance and fulfillment in their lifetime, while creating a […]

Boss Affects your Health

How Your Boss Affects your Health and Relationships

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According to the latest “Time-Use studies,” which provide information about how people spend their time, who they spend it with and how they feel at various points throughout the day, one major finding from this research is that, for most people, the person they least enjoy being around is their boss! According to the study, most people actually prefer doing menial chores and cleaning the house than to spend time with their boss. Most people overlook the massive influence that the boss-subordinate relationship has on our engagement at work, our physical, mental and emotional health and overall wellbeing. The most common traits shown by bad leaders include stubbornness, self-oriented, overly demanding, impulsiveness, interrupting and tantrum-throwing. […]

Tastes of Success

The 6 Tastes of Success

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Who doesn’t want to be at their best. Whether you are trying to persuade a prospect, convince your manager, or trying to get your point across to colleagues or business partners, if you the lack the required energy for these interactions, most likely you will come across as dull, monotonous and uninspiring. The way people perceive you has a lot to do with your energy levels. No doubt about that. In order to have the energy required to be at your best, it is important that you eat nutritious food and a balanced diet — this is something that I’m sure you are quite aware of by now. But in addition to getting the right […]