When Leadership Pollutes the World

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By Maiken Piil VW has unwillingly become the best business case for conscious capitalism, showing us what happens when ego, arrogance and profit becomes a driver for business, and why traditional management has outplayed its role. By all traditional measures Martin Winterkorn was a very successful top executive. In his nearly 8 years as CEO for Volkswagen, he nearly doubled the company’s turnover to €200 billion, he conquered China, and won the race to become the world’s largest car manufacturer, overtaking Toyota and General Motors. With support from the Board, he won a power struggle with Chairman Piëch, pushing Piëch out of the game and securing himself an extended contract. On paper, everything looked like […]

Living the Reinvented Organisation

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by Nikyta Guleria and Graham Boyd This is a story of how the ‘nice to have’ human aspects of the business are really the ‘need to have’. The story of how our non-profit, edgetalents, became a successful for-profit in a year. A story of how we re-invented the company, turning it into a deliberately developmental one (1). We blended traditional business methods with Holacracy, adult development from Laske, Kegan and Dojo4Life (2); and good old Art of Hosting methodologies. Having just read Frederic Laloux’s book, we believe our edge talents story may be useful to others re-inventing their organisations.Nikyta: This is also my story. As a recent graduate, about how I went from needing safety and […]

Conscious Living Network RSAinLondon

Conscious Living Network: Self Inquiry #RSAinLondon

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The next Conscious Living Network topic is ‘Self Inquiry’ One of the key purposes of the Conscious Living Network is to grow in our ability to be more ‘response-able’ in any given moment including, most importantly, the present moment, the only one we ever have. Some moments are more difficult than others, and it is through self-awareness that we are able to manage the moment with more ease, grace and choice. Life gives us enough to worry about in a day, and it is often through our own patterns of behaviours that we experience the most frustration and suffering, despite our best efforts. Self-inquiry is a useful way to explore aspects of ourselves that we […]

Leading from Your Wisest Self: Bringing Spiritual Intelligence To Leadership

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“Spiritual Intelligence is the ability to behave with wisdom and compassion while maintaining inner and outer peace, regardless of the situation” “From a business standpoint, SQ is the next frontier in leadership… it is one of the 4 key intelligences , and comes after EQ (Emotional Intelligence)”    Cindy Wigglesworth Conscious Leadership Evening in London next month! Meet other like minds interested in how to bring their wisest selves to their organisational roles and enjoy an interactive, developmental evening considering yourself in relation to the topic of spiritual intelligence. This September, we have the opportunity to meet Cindy Wigglesworth and discuss how this multiple intelligence approach can help you lead a fuller, more impactful life and create healthier organisations. […]

Solving the Productivity Puzzle

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Mind the Maintenance Gap – Solving the Productivity Puzzle Doug Crawford The productivity of organisations in the UK has for long been a cause for real concern as productivity levels have consistently remained below the average of G7 advanced economies (the gap now stands at 17%, the largest since 1992- according to Office for National Statistics, February 2015). Many reasons have been given for this, solutions postulated and blame apportioned, especially by political leaders, but one aspect that does not appear to have been given serious consideration is the prevailing mindset through which the productivity debate is being conducted. Let us travel back in time for a moment to the ‘industrial era’ where wealth was […]

Eating at work

Eating at your desk will negatively affect your work and your health

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Do you find yourself regularly eating at your desk? If you are part of the 67% of office workers that do so, then you need to be aware of the consequences of this unhealthy habit. Some people see food, as just a functional aspect of their lives. Mindless eating extends beyond the office desk, I see it all the time….people in the morning gulping down a piece of dry toast or pastry and a cup of coffee on the way to work, or eating a quick bite on the way to a meeting. It appears that for quite a few us, eating just gets “on the way” of seemingly more important things.