London Draws Conscious Capitalism To Itself

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Intuition has been nudging me for a while now, telling me that Sept, Oct, Nov are going to be months when we see a surge in the establishment of conscious capitalism, conscious business and conscious leadership in the UK.  And so it has been. On Tuesday this week the Conscious Capitalism Institute held a lunch in London hosted by Raj Sisodia.  Raj, author of Firms of Endearment, took us through his presentation on conscious capitalism – it was inspirational hearing it from its source – and expressed his desire to establish a centre for CCI in the UK alongside other centers in Australia, South America and elsewhere.  Timothy Henry from Arête will have this as […]

Conscious Leadership as a Bamboo

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Recently I’ve come across the fascinating comparison of conscious leadership to the qualities of bamboo.  It started with a series of fantastic videos by Barrett Brown talking about the findings from his doctoral thesis on conscious leadership (see the clip on ‘bamboo leadership’).  It’s worth watching the entire series of clips on Vimeo relating to his work on conscious leadership, post-conventional leadership, integral thinking and sustainability.  He somehow makes a complex field easy to understand! The Bamboo Leader post by Wendy Appel ( is another fascinating find and the link here takes you to her post in its entirety.  She has a great way of considering the qualities of the bamboo plant and how these […]

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As the movement of people seeking a better approach to leadership and answers to the persistent problems faced by business today gathers momentum, a new worldwide forum has been launched to help spread the word and hasten the pace of change. The new Global Institute for Conscious Leadership is committed to transforming the leadership landscape by shifting the business ethos and promoting a step-change in leadership: one based on ‘we’ rather than ‘me’.  Ego-less leadership embodies the move away from our traditional perceptions of leaders as often ego-driven, profit-motivated and self-invested. Conscious leaders are characterised and enlightened by their lack of ego. They step away from a ‘me-first’ mindset to create mutual benefit for all […]

Conscious Capitalism, Victimhood and Responsibility

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One of the most brilliantly acerbic yet honestly observed posts I have recently read about our current state of affairs is ‘Capitalism vs. Capitulation’ from Bret Callentine of the Lakewood Observer. Callentine gives his commentary on the endless merry-go-round of victimhood and rescue we’ve embarked upon in life – and especially in relation to how we run our finances and the things we expect to have.  Being dissatisfied with our lot (because we believe we have an inborn right to something better), we the people whinge and whine about the unfairness of life and ‘the system’, demanding that something out there changes in order to give us the same opportunities that others have, so that […]

‘Egoless: The Final Frontier in Leadership’ is launched today

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Today sees the launch of ‘Egoless: the Final Frontier in Leadership’, a pioneering new book by the Parallax Partnership’s Dr Sarah Morris. In it Sarah sets out the case for a step change in our thinking about what constitutes true leadership and for taking ego out office entirely. Having spent the past ten years working with leaders and observing the differences between competent and truly transformational leaders who bring about real and lasting improvements in performance, Sarah sees ego as the key factor inhibiting leadership potential today. Ego keeps us rooted in predominantly negative behaviours that focus almost entirely on self-survival and is hugely detrimental to corporate as well as individual performance. When ego is […]


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