Engage in the Possibility of Passion, Purpose AND Profit

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It is possible, and if you think it is not- you are simply not aware of the cases where this is a reality in business around the world. There are organisations out there, operating in a whole new playing field- those who have abandoned their disillusionment and loyalty for the old system for a better way of being (a better way of seeing each quarter through). Raj Sisodia has long been interested in and researching these organisations- “Firms of Endearment”. Through his various publications, based on work with Universities in the United States, and consulting for global organisations, he has been able to shed some light on the process behind such win-win scenario’s in today’s […]

A good news Conscious Business story for the end of the year GCFCL

A good news Conscious Business story for the end of the year

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Conscious businesses come in all shapes and sizes and I found this little business today in the unlikeliest of places – Port Elizabeth, South Africa. I was on the hunt for baking goods for my daughter’s 6th birthday cake and came upon Bakers Bin in a small, off-the-beaten-track shopping centre. But small did not not mean small-minded. Stefaan, the business owner, and Peter, his trusty sidekick who, he said, had been working with him for many years, made our little shopping experience out of the ordinary. First of all, Stefaan and Peter went out of their way to find us the various cake mixes and icing colours we were looking for. So far, so normal […]

A Tale of Two Taxis - gcfcl.com

A Tale of Two Taxis

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London. Winter coming. You couldn’t find a better time to be in the taxi business. Punters wanting a warm ride rather than a cold walk or a stuffed Tube. Enter into this scene two taxi businesses, Hailo and GetTaxi. Both offering the same thing: an app-enabled, live-tracked taxi booking service that gives customers the power to book their black cab (from within the comfort of the warm indoors) and watch it arrive in real time, then have it charged straight to their business account. Couldn’t be better. Except, one of these is a classic case of how to do business in a more conscious way, with your stakeholders in mind, and the other is a […]

Quick Inquiry into the “C” word - GIFCL.com

Quick Inquiry into the “C” word

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Currently, the “C” word is quickly dismissed in the business world, in fact, it is paradoxically ‘blasphemous’ to many business practitioners. Consciousness is often misinterpreted as it alludes to too many topics of the ‘airy-fairy’ nature. Assumptions: -Consciousness is an area left to the philosophers, to those who enjoy speaking in circles and coming to no conclusions. -It is linked to my definition of Spirituality/ a set of religion values—and these principles don’t mix well with business. What will happen to my bottom-line if I introduce Consciousness into my life (and consequently my business practice)? Take a look at the Conscious Capitalism publications for examples on how some businesses are managing to create profit, with […]

What is Conscious Leadership?

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What is Conscious Leadership? …Words from César Gamio, The Chopra Centre “Why is it important today and beyond? For a number of decades, business leaders have operated under the Darwinian paradigm of Survival of the Fittest, engaging in ruthless competition and taking reckless risks, reeking havoc in their organisations as well as destroying economies for the sake of maximising shareholder value. Forbes magazine could not have put it more bluntly when it published an article titled “The Dumbest Idea In The World: Maximising Shareholder Value” with reference to how organisations are ignoring what successful and profitable organisations establish as their guiding principle: the creation of value for society (which in turns brings shareholder value). In […]

CCap - GIFCL.com

Inspiration from Conscious Capitalism’s Second Tenet: Stakeholder Integration

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Can you imagine what would happen to your organisation, if your employees were driven by the deep, self-motivating drive of their life’s purpose/calling? Conscious Leadership enables and promotes employees at all levels to work with purpose, be highly self-motivated, and consequently contribute to the organisation in the most impactful way possible. In Conscious Capitalism John Mackey explains that “our work can exist at three levels: job, career or calling” (see accompanying image). Having a deep understanding of Self, and purpose- is the factor that is going to separate ‘matrix-dwellers’, from free-thrivers in the 21st Century. An example, the tech-geeks in Silicone Valley were ‘born’ to create technological advances, and it excites them at a very […]


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