Leading Consciously

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Leading Consciously: How to have impact in the 21st Century For the curious: if you want to lead yourself and your businesses to optimal efficiency, don’t get left behind on this wave. A team of passionate, enthusiastic individuals (some of the world’s leading practitioners/ consultants/ coaches/ trainers/ business executives) has come together to facilitate a necessary ‘conference’ about Leading Consciously in current VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) times. The Global Institute for Conscious Leadership (GIfCL) is very excited that the creative collaboration of ideas will be coming to life, and impacting the world on 28 November 2013, in Central London. The day will be hosted as an unconventional conference – participatory dialogue, with exploration, understanding […]

London Draws Conscious Capitalism To Itself

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Intuition has been nudging me for a while now, telling me that Sept, Oct, Nov are going to be months when we see a surge in the establishment of conscious capitalism, conscious business and conscious leadership in the UK.  And so it has been. On Tuesday this week the Conscious Capitalism Institute held a lunch in London hosted by Raj Sisodia.  Raj, author of Firms of Endearment, took us through his presentation on conscious capitalism – it was inspirational hearing it from its source – and expressed his desire to establish a centre for CCI in the UK alongside other centers in Australia, South America and elsewhere.  Timothy Henry from Arête will have this as […]


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