Thoughts on Conscious Leadership

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Why is Conscious Leadership important today ?

For a number of decades, business leaders have had a complete disregard for conscious leadership and have operated under the Darwinian paradigm of Survival of the Fittest, engaging in ruthless competition and taking reckless risks, reeking havoc in their organisations as well as destroying economies for the sake of maximising shareholder value. Forbes magazine could not have put it more bluntly when it published an article titled “The Dumbest Idea In The World: Maximising Shareholder Value” with reference to how organisations are ignoring what successful and profitable organisations that apply conscious leadership establish as their guiding principle: the creation of value for society (which in turns brings shareholder value).

Conscious Leadership: Beyond I, Me and Mine

In order to create value for society, organisations need a new breed of leadership, leaders committed to the principles of being, feeling, listening and perceiving come before doing and achieving. These leaders are referred to as conscious leaders. Conscious leaders know intuitively that the Survival of the Fittest paradigm is obsolete and that the era of Survival of the Wisest is upon us. They ask themselves mythical questions like who am I, what do I want, how can I serve. Conscious leaders understand that power comes not from other people but from their inner being and that true self-power lies in feeling beneath no one, being immune to criticism whilst responsive to feedback, and being fearless.

The Expansion of Awareness: The Key to Conscious Leadership

They know how to expand their awareness to find wisdom in the face of challenges. Conscious leaders rely on their creativity, insight, intuition, intelligence, imagination and effectively utilise the power of intention and synchronicity to actualise their vision. They are aligned with their inner core self which is in turn aligned with the greater collective of society. Conscious leaders are the soul of the collective consciousness, able to unlock the potential of greatness in themselves and those whom they serve. Conscious leadership is therefore relevant and necessary since it is the only type of leadership that will deliver sustained, healthy growth for businesses and will provide the framework to develop a more peaceful, just, sustainable and healthy world.[/sociallocker]

César Gamio Chopra Center Master Educator

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