A conscious leader’s role is to break down walls and tear down fences

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Last night I arrived in Basel airport.  I got to the taxi rank outside, only to be told by the very polite taxi driver that I had exited on the French side.  I needed to go back inside the airport (20 yards), walk down the corridor for a few yards, and exit at the other door, on the Swiss side, where a taxi could take me to my Basel hotel. As I walked the few steps back to the airport I spied a chicken wire fence.  Presumably this was the thing that was separating this side of the world from the other side of the world.  Interesting.  There were no guards, no policing of any […]

John Mackey Walks the Talk of a Conscious Leader

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I was privileged enough to be sitting at dinner on Friday night with John Mackey, co-CEO of Whole Foods Market, co-founder of Conscious Capitalism and author of Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business.  We were a small group – about 10 CEOs and other UK business leaders, and a handful of the instrumental consultants in the UK who are fanning the fires of the conscious business networks and connecting like-minded business leaders. It was an informal gathering.  John Mackey gave the briefest of overviews of the four tenets of conscious capitalism and there was a convivial air as we enjoyed talking to one another about business and the possibilities it holds for transforming […]

Conscious Leadership is an Inside Job

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Casey Sheahan, CEO of Patagonia, one of the lighthouse ‘conscious companies’, talks to Jeff Klein (author of It’s Just Good Business) about his passion for being a conscious leader. My favourite quote: “For companies to transform on a larger scale, the individual leaders have to transform.  All the powerful ways of operating have to come into play: being a good listener, being calm, being centered, being confident, and speaking without anger or ego….we all project an energy whether individually or as a company out in the world and around us. Whatever we do, whatever we say, really has an effect on those around us.” Read the full article here. Best regards Gina

London Draws Conscious Capitalism To Itself

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Intuition has been nudging me for a while now, telling me that Sept, Oct, Nov are going to be months when we see a surge in the establishment of conscious capitalism, conscious business and conscious leadership in the UK.  And so it has been. On Tuesday this week the Conscious Capitalism Institute held a lunch in London hosted by Raj Sisodia.  Raj, author of Firms of Endearment, took us through his presentation on conscious capitalism – it was inspirational hearing it from its source – and expressed his desire to establish a centre for CCI in the UK alongside other centers in Australia, South America and elsewhere.  Timothy Henry from Arête will have this as […]


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