Conscious Leadership

An Unlikely Case of Conscious Leadership

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Edward Griffiths, CEO of Saracens Rugby Club, is a most unlikely example of a conscious leader. Not because of the man himself, but because usually we think of conscious leadership in the context of business, and who would think that you would find a conscious leader in a rugby club? But find him we did, as my co-director, Erika Uffindell, and I discovered when we met him in a London lounge for coffee. Griffiths was not particularly identified with being a conscious leader, and quite frankly might even have scoffed a little at the term, but we found in him a rather instinctive consciousness: he knew how to run his business so that it aspired […]

GCfCL Introduces Conscious Leadership Short Courses

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Evolution (the combined knowledge and progress of billions of years of thinking and experience) brings us the latest in the Leadership Development field… We are at a point in time where many old styles of leading, thinking and being are no longer fitting to the demands of our lives. We have progressed in astounding respects and it is now time for our psyche and behavior to catch up with our outward progress so that we can not only sustain our lifestyles and planet on which we go about our life, but also thrive and grow. Leaders (corporations, governments, institutions as well as individuals) are in a position to gracefully create a future worth living. Starting […]

News -

The Global Institute for Conscious Leadership has upgraded

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We’re delighted to announce that The Global Institute for Conscious Leadership has undergone an extensive upgrade* and is now The Global Centre for Conscious Leadership, offering a range of cutting edge solutions for the development of conscious leaders worldwide. Our new offerings include: International and industry experts speaking on a variety of topics related to conscious leadership Short courses and foundation modules that develop different facets of being a conscious leader An executive programme that is offered as either an open programme or an in-house, tailored solution to senior leaders wanting to make an unparalled transformation in their leadership style, their leadership being and their impact on their organisation A Conscious Leadership ‘blueprint’ that acts […]

Thoughts on Conscious Leadership -

Thoughts on Conscious Leadership

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Why is Conscious Leadership important today ? For a number of decades, business leaders have had a complete disregard for conscious leadership and have operated under the Darwinian paradigm of Survival of the Fittest, engaging in ruthless competition and taking reckless risks, reeking havoc in their organisations as well as destroying economies for the sake of maximising shareholder value. Forbes magazine could not have put it more bluntly when it published an article titled “The Dumbest Idea In The World: Maximising Shareholder Value” with reference to how organisations are ignoring what successful and profitable organisations that apply conscious leadership establish as their guiding principle: the creation of value for society (which in turns brings shareholder […]


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